$zip = "http://getsparks.org/static/install/spark-manager-0.0.9.zip"; $loader = "http://getsparks.org/static/install/MY_Loader.php.txt"; if(!file_exists("application/core")) { echo "Can't find application/core. Currently this script only works with the default instance of Reactor. You may need to try a manual installation..\n"; exit; } echo "Pulling down spark manager from $zip ...\n"; copy($zip, "sparks.zip"); echo "Pulling down Loader class core extension from $loader ...\n"; copy($loader, "application/core/MY_Loader.php"); echo "Extracting zip package ...\n"; if(class_exists('ZipArchive')) { $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open('sparks.zip') === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo('./tools'); $zip->close(); } else { echo "Extraction failed .. exiting.\n"; exit; } } elseif(!!@`unzip`) { `unzip sparks.zip -d ./tools`; } else { echo "It seems you have no PHP zip library or `unzip` in your path. Use the manual installation.\n"; exit; } echo "Cleaning up ...\n"; @unlink('sparks.zip'); echo "Spark Manager has been installed successfully!\n"; echo "Try: `php tools/spark help`\n";